Thursday, June 25, 2009

Taboos During the Ghost Month

Some taboos during the Chinese Ghost Festival. Unlike most of countries in the world, the yearly Chinese ghost festival is lasting for a month long in lunar July. It is kind of Taoismis, an ancient Chinese religion, which its believers have over 40% population in Taiwan at present.

On the ghost's festival eve, the temples are clustered with people. The believers bring ghost the fruits, meat and tens of thousands paper money, for they want to pray to ghost for body safety. At the midnight, the temple's clerk will open a gate mounted on the wall. It is said that the gate can go through the nether world, and the ceremony starts the beginning of the ghost festival.

Some taboos are requested to comply with; it is said; most of ghosts are drifting in the night and seeking some unlucky people. Coincidentally, the frequency of accidents and suicides are higher in ghost month than usual day. Moreover, please keep the ocean and stream away from your holidays during the ghost month. In addition, please do not dry your clothes outside of your house shelter at night. The ghosts might be interested in fitting them.

Above taboos are coming from ancient Chinese traditional culture, and be followed by its believers. No matter what your religion is, you must pay attention to these taboos during the ghost month.

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