Thursday, June 25, 2009

Taboos During the Ghost Month

Some taboos during the Chinese Ghost Festival. Unlike most of countries in the world, the yearly Chinese ghost festival is lasting for a month long in lunar July. It is kind of Taoismis, an ancient Chinese religion, which its believers have over 40% population in Taiwan at present.

On the ghost's festival eve, the temples are clustered with people. The believers bring ghost the fruits, meat and tens of thousands paper money, for they want to pray to ghost for body safety. At the midnight, the temple's clerk will open a gate mounted on the wall. It is said that the gate can go through the nether world, and the ceremony starts the beginning of the ghost festival.

Some taboos are requested to comply with; it is said; most of ghosts are drifting in the night and seeking some unlucky people. Coincidentally, the frequency of accidents and suicides are higher in ghost month than usual day. Moreover, please keep the ocean and stream away from your holidays during the ghost month. In addition, please do not dry your clothes outside of your house shelter at night. The ghosts might be interested in fitting them.

Above taboos are coming from ancient Chinese traditional culture, and be followed by its believers. No matter what your religion is, you must pay attention to these taboos during the ghost month.

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Last English Writing Assignment

I am writing down my last assignment, and I can not feel easy any more. I am appreciating my teacher’s attention, for I know many tips through writing in high frequency. Practices make it going smoothly. At the beginning of assignment, I can not describe what I feel or think properly. In addition, I am in lack of kills of vocabularies and phrases or conjunctions. When I try to write and beautify some words, I learn how to use some different words for replacing. Because of practicing, I can express my thought or opinions by writing unhindered. When “there is a will, there is a hope”, I will move toward my way in writing. Thank you.

I am Planing on a Fruit Diet

The obesity is becoming a common symptom in nowadays; and I am the one of person troubled with the issue. I am planning on a fruit diet from my daily meals to rescue my figure.

I will have kiwi fruits and apples for my breakfast. As for lunch, I will have grapefruits and bananas. I will have kiwi fruits again for my dinner. They will suffice my and stomach and energy per day. It seems a good plan; however, I am not confident that I will get through the hard time. It tests my willpower.

Fruits are the preferable diet to me; and they are health to my body also. I hope it work on my schedule.

Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea

For me, I would prefer coffee to tea. I am a coffee person and I am addicted to coffee for its taste and atmosphere.

I drink hot coffee with milk, fresh milk, and I added a half spoon of brown sugar. Using the stick makes circles to mix them together, and the color is turning black into brown. Immediately, you can smell of particular fragrance. To sip of my coffee, it tastes of rich milk and sugar. A cup of coffee clears my mind, and keeps blue from me. I drink a cup of coffee either in a coffee shop or in my study room where are full of literature atmosphere. Coffee is a good partner of mine, and it enrich my life.

The Introduction of Silicone Breast

I had worked for a company who manufacture fashion products for women. One of the special products is silicone breast that it is made of silicone; it is said the nontoxic material. There are 3 sizes for options, small, medium and full size. The content inside of silicone can be filled with air, liquid and solid powder. The one of air filling inside can pump into air by end user; the liquid one is filled silicone oil with glitters; the solid powder can design with several colors.

The functions of the silicone breast are to beautify the shape and cup size of woman’s breast. It is designed as external use; its figure is light weigh and easy carry. I do not use this kind of stuff; however, it is quiet popular in USA and Europe.

My Last Vacation

My last vacation was fun and sweet. I spent 2 days with my family in a mountain located the central of Taiwan last July. We stayed in a village inn, woods are surrounding it. It was a killer heat on the way that day; however, it was turning into cool when we arrived at the inn in the afternoon. After finishing check in, we put on summer coats and took a walk around the garden inside of inn. The garden was fogged up, the air blown cool and fresh. It was such a good place for family gathering in summer, I thought. After the dinner in the evening, we walked to the yard. Amazedly, thousands of stars were hanging over the sky. We raised our head and hands, for tried to distinguished The Great Bear and Cassiopeia. The children were too excited to running around; their laughing was echoic in the air. My husband was grasping my hand, we laughed at the harmony moment. It was unforgettable vacation.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Many Countries Have You Been Visited?

So far, I have been to five countries in my life; two trips are on vocation and three one are on business. The first country I visited was Thailand when I graduated from senior high school. I attended a tourist group with my friends. In many years later, I visited Malaysia for my honeymoon. We stayed at a hut near the beach. After that, I have to been to HK, China and Poland for business trips. Except above, I want to pay visits to Australia, Japan and Ireland if it is available on my schedule.

Have You Ever Felt Really Embarrassed?

On once occasion, I was attending a meeting with foreign customers. The meeting subject was involving with technical issues. Many specialized vocabulary were spoken during the meeting; unfortunately, I knew much less than should be. A number of questions were submitted by my customers, I lost my sense of hearing at the moment. I apologized for not in the situation repeatedly, and I felt extremely embarrassed at the same time. It was such an unaffordable embarrassment I have had.

My Job

Though there were several jobs I had done before, the currently job is preferable to me. Unlike previously jobs, I work independently, responsibly and joyfully.

I can arrange for my daily working schedule depending on emails quantity a day. I handle a project since an inquiry, price negotiation, manufacture, technology discussion, cargo shipping, money collection and after-sales service.

A proverb say; “Much effort, much prosperity”. When I step into office, I devote myself to my company. Customers are a top priority to me; mostly I will reply to their questions before I off duty a day.

Every day at work is a challenge to me; I counter different predicaments at each project. However, I like my job; I am happy with my office environment. My job accomplish some portion of my dream.

Would You Want to Be Famous?

"They are two sides to every question”. Famous people enjoy special treatments sometimes; however, they are facing much more torments than ordinary people.

The major trouble is no privacy. Wherever you go, the paparazzi like a shadow follower. They reveal your secrets and destroy your new relationships; their behavior is acted like of a devil. Secondly, your behaviors are highly focused on. You would fall down a hell if you slip of your tongue accidentally; you would receive various insults if you dress in impropriety.

To sum up, famous people is facing much more pressure than ordinary one. I would never want to be famous

How Did You Feel Last Night

I felt disappointed that I had not finished my writing homework. Although my teacher has kindly extended the deadline on 6th of Jun, I was still far behind the schedule. I felt frightened that I would be drop off on this subject. What should I do if this misery would happen to me? I could not help myself worrying about that. I felt smug about my articles. I was proud of my sentences even though improvements were still required. In short, something on my mind was complicated last night.

What Should You Do When Having a Cold

When you start to sneeze, it is the first symptom of having a cold. The following symptoms are a sore throat and a headache. Instead of seeing a doctor at the beginning of cold, I suggest you to try the following traditional remedies I heard friends said for a cold at the initial stage.

First of all, drink a lot of water at the first. You can have a cup of coffee without sugar to help you resist viruses. After that, you can make your own syrup. Taking a cane of sport beverage mixed with water in each half, after drinking you will feel better. Or you can boil several gingers in the water and drink it before getting cool. In addition, you can take some vitamin C or make yourself a chicken soup to strengthen your energy.

Above remedies can keep you from suffering when having a cold at the initial stage. However, you should see doctors if above treatments are not working on you.

For Western Food or Chinese Food

Even thought there are hundreds of delicious dishes and snacks I could have from Chinese food, western food is the best choice for me. I like western food for its health on material and its convenience to buy and to cook.

Salads are the most important dishes in Western food, and they consist of various uncooked vegetables and fruits. Mostly medicine research reported that uncooked vegetables and fruits are good for our health, for some vitamins elements would disappear upon fried or boiled. Moreover, neither heavy oil nor chemical sweet dressings are used for cook.

Mostly western food is packed in various bags; it is easy to buy at super market anywhere. The western can be prepared in a short time. For instance, salad and appetiser, garlic bread, smoked salmon and creamed soup. Regarding to the main course, it can be cooked in the oven or microwave. See, how it is easy to cook.

In my opinion, for health and convenience consideration, western food is a good choice. My friends, experience your life as “Eat, drink, and be merry”.

My Ideal Jobs in Profession

To be a writer is my ideal job in profession. The advantages of being a writer are followings; to create my own article and to work on irregular hours at different occasion.

Most of time I am unable to express as much as how I feel by words; however, I enjoy writing very much. When some words lies more in meaning than in speaking, writing can be extended in imagination than words. Therefore, I want to be a good writer, for excited and stirred audience’s feeling and imagination.

I would get tired when I work as regular hours. I can arrange for my writing as different seasons and occasions. For instance, I can write romance story at the beach in the summer afternoon. Or I can write detective story in the corner of the coffee shop. In order to write, many places can be visited or stayed.

In short, to be a writer in profession is what I am longing for.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Living Room

Every family has a living room where a place for the purpose of family activities and receiving customers. Basically the style of living room reflects the host’s characters; the style can be classified into several types, such as modern, resplendent, classic and plain. My living room is designed as the kind of plain.

My living room is about 10 pings large; the walls are painted in rose-white which color is lightly pink. In the center, a set of dark green sofa for 6 persons are setting there. No matter sitting on or lean against the sofa release from the stress. Next to the sofa, a big window is aside. No curtains on window, more sunlight can be cast into the house. In front of the sofa, a wooden wine cabinet is standing against call near the door gate. Instead of wine self, we put some children’s awards and artist work for decorations. Next to the wooden cabinet, there is enough space for our exercises. For instance, we can play hula hoop, rope skipping, or flying jump.

I do not like my living room because its spacious. I like it as a good place for my family gathering..

My Daughters

I have two daughters, Maggie and Connie, Maggie is elder sister in 10 and Connie is in 8. They have great differences in appearances, favorite foods, and dress styles.

Maggie looks chubby and has a round face, yet Connie looks thin and has an oval face. Maggie has slender eyes; on the other hand, Connie has big bright eyes. Maggie likes to eat the food made of by flour; for example, noodles and breads. On the other hand, Connie likes to eat rice food; such as rice dumpling. Unlike Maggie’s dress in lady, Connie usually dresses in sport. The dressing color for Maggie is also different from the dressing color for Connie. Maggie likes the color in pink; however, Connie likes the color in blue.

Even though my two girls are almost the same age, they are totally different. No matter what the contrasting is, both of them are great in my mind.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Strange Interview

I had a strange experience at interview for applying a position of sales assistance at a small size company many years ago. I brought my resume and arrived at the company in early morning that day. The office clerk escorted me into an office where a woman was sitting on a sofa and smiling at me.

First, she asked some questions about my family. Then she put emphasis on my private information, she asked for my lunar birth date and time. She wanted to make “Chinese Star Fortunes” to me in order to make sure that I was suitable for this company. It was surprising me by her question; however, for curious reason I gave my details to her.

She started to tell my fortune by reading the start chart; such as what ege I would get married, what my husband would look like, what character I was and so on. Honestly speaking, I did not put her words as seriously, for I have many times before but nothing were hitting. Importantly, she hired my anyway. Magically, I got married few years later at the age she said and my husband’s looked like what she described then.

After that, I have never met this kind of strange experience anymore for the interviews.