Thursday, May 28, 2009

Love Letter

It was late at night. The peacefulness lay much more in happiness in my mind than in silence at street. The moon cast some dim light on blue curtain, and the winds breezed the skirt of curtain. Even though I was tired, I would rather stare at your face than fall asleep.

My dear, a number of wrinkles spread out obviously on your forehead and your eyes; you were getting much older than it should be within the ten years. The more wrinkles had, the more efforts you did for our family.

Our family is always a prior obligation to your life. You were always coming home for dinner no matter how busy you were, and you never left behind us to attend any business party or tourist. You were always checking on children’s homework when I was coming late; and you were always worrying about the family expense alone. If we were sad then you did, you are a good husband and a good father.

I am so lucky as to have your love to me and to the family. Kissed you on the check to say good night; my love.

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