Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Book I Read

The book "The Empty Boat" was published in year 2000 writing by a India philosophy master "Osho" who is not only famous in local but also in the whole world. It talks about ideas how to make your spirit peaceful and think wise to your life.

Many dialogues used in every charpers to narrate stories which referred to lots of "Chuang Tzu" thinking in Chinese culture. I am particularly fond of some dialogues which can examine myself propriately. For instance, monkey feeding issue, every day the owner is feeding each monkey with polished race as 4 in the morning and 3 units in the evening. The monkeys were very furious at owner oneday, for they got only 3 in the moring and 4 units in the evening.

What made them so angry, the change quantity of feeding time? In fact, the sum of daily units has kept the same for 7. Somehow the monkeys are not clever enough to realize what meaning is beyond the change. Monkeys, as well as people, are too smart to obscure something in their life.

You are an indiviual part and it is a destiny for your life to be with jubilant or ireful. Neverless, you can cope with the difficult situation wisely if you do learn something from this book. Remember, "There is no rose without a thorn".

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